Monday, August 1, 2011

Orchestral Dynamics

Karen and were part of a orchestral practice and performance that was led by Ed Hogan (composer, educator, conductor). Philippians 2 speaks of placing someone else's needs before our own. In an ensemble, it is important to not hear yourself but blend in (i.e. the figurative elements of dynamics and tone quality vs. technique and "going solo").

Ed told a story about an older gentlemen warming up in one of his conducting sessions and that he was not moving his fingers fast or not playing loud so others could hear him. The tone quality was so exquisite that Mr. Hogan wanted to "crawl into the viola and die". The difference between an amateur and a professional is not technique but tone.

1 Corinthians 12:12 applies to the body and the elements of the body...unity and cohesiveness. We should be like-minded and have a service attitude towards those that surround us. If the musical line is moving and interesting, play out and observe dynamics. Wow, I learned allot from that rehearsal.

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